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Tag: decision making
Vet choosing medication

A randomised controlled trial to reduce highest priority critically important antimicrobial prescription in companion animals

D.A. Singleton, A. Rayner, B. Brant, S. Smyth, P.J. Noble, A.D. Radford and G.L. Pinchbeck | Nature Communications | March 2021
This randomised controlled trial aimed to test the hypothesis that social norm messaging, via integrated electronic health record (EHR), antimicrobial prescription benchmarking and in-practice educational support, would reduce highest priority critically important antimicrobial (HPCIA) prescription frequency and antimicrobial prescription frequency in general, in a cohort of above average HPCIA-prescribing practices…

cat examination by vet

Pet owners’ and veterinarians’ perceptions of information exchange and clinical decision-making in companion animal practice

N. Janke, J.B. Coe, T.M. Bernardo, C.E. Dewey and E.A. Stone | PLoS ONE | February 2021
The aim of this study was to compare the perceptions of pet owners and veterinarians in small animal practice with respect to information exchange and decision-making; and to identify the barriers and challenges faced by the veterinarians…

Horse owners’ knowledge, and opinions on recognising colic in the horse

A. Bowden, J.H. Burford, M.L. Brennan, G.C.W. England and S.L. Freeman | Equine Veterinary Journal | August 2019
The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate horse owners’ knowledge, understanding of and experience with equine colic and to describe the factors that affect their approach to a horse with clinical signs of abdominal pain…