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Tag: equine
Vet examine horse hoof

Translating research into practice: Adoption of endocrine diagnostic testing in cases of equine laminitis

J.L. Ireland and C.M. McGowan | The Veterinary Journal | March 2021
The aims of this two-part study were, firstly, to investigate current veterinary surgeons’ diagnostic approaches to laminitis and to explore whether these had changed since graduation and, secondly, to determine how the diagnosis of an underlying endocrine disease influenced laminitis case management and outcome…

emale vet looking at horse leg in a field

A review of normal radiographical variants commonly mistaken for pathological findings in horses

F.E. Hinkle, S.A. Johnson, K.T. Selberg and M.F. Barrett | Equine Veterinary Education | December 2020
The aim of this review article was to highlight a range of normal radiographical variants that are commonly mistaken for pathological abnormalities in horses to help practitioners minimise inappropriate case management and unnecessary surgery…

BEVA primary care clinical guidelines: Wound management in the horse

S.L. Freeman, N.M. Ashton, Y.A. Elce, A. Hammond, A.R. Hollis and G. Quinn | Equine Veterinary Journal | May 2020
These clinical guidelines aimed to provide evidence-based recommendations on wound management in horses…

Comparison of the colic incidence in a horse population with or without inclusion of germinated barley in the diet

L. Troya, J. Blanco, I. Romero and M. Re | Equine Veterinary Education | April 2020
The aim of this observational study was to determine if the inclusion of germinated barley as a supplement to the daily ration would decrease the incidence of colic in a population of horses…

Horse in stable

Equine emergencies

October 2017
Free online learning resources, advice and references covering various equine emergency situations: sepsis, field triage, colic and wound management.